BottomMarks .. LIVE CP Chat!!

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... You just never know who may call you away for an exciting Private Chat!!
Live CP Chat  ::  Tweeter Board  ::  Spanking Personals

"So, who has a firm little bottom then?" ; "I do Sir" ; "Come stand over here so I can punish it"


  • This Chatroom is a Java Applet, so it may take several seconds to load fully ...
    You MUST have JAVA RUNTIME ENVIROMENT V7 (update 4) plugin installed.
  • If you still only see a "grey box" press the "Refresh" button or check you have Java installed.
  • You will need to pick a "user-name" (avatar) to get started. This can be whatever you like!
  • You may request a PRIVATE 1-2-1 chat by double-clicking a person's name on the right.
  • Private chats can only be seen by YOU and the person you are chatting 1-2-1 with.
  • Although this room is for Adults, please be polite and courteous to other users.
  • Remember that most people go on-line in the evening, so it can get busier about then.
  • I DO NOT recommend you give out any personal details or contact numbers in this (nor any
    other) public chatroom. Instead use the Free Spanking Personal Profile Ads to meet people.
  • If you're up for a real Bottom Warming - come to one of our CP Parties!
Internet Explorer Java Plugin Notice:
Some first-time visitor may experience start-up problems with this chatroom.
This is due to a technical issue relating to the Chatroom provider and Microsoft's Explorer Browser
- Bill Gates' fault again! - (Firefox & Chrome should automatically detect this and install
any JAVA plugins you may need, but if you need to check manually you can do so at
Free Live Spanking Chatroom

..... don't forget to keep coming back to see who's in the Chatroom .....

Internet Explorer Java Plugin Notice:
Some first-time visitor may experience start-up problems with this chatroom.
This is due to a technical issue relating to the Chatroom provider and Microsoft's Explorer Browser
- Bill Gates' fault again! - (Firefox & Chrome should automatically detect this and install
any JAVA plugins you may need, but if you need to check manually you can do so at

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 BottomMarks INSTANT SPANKING Tweeters Boards!
Use this mini-chat to talk or "tweet" briefly about anything you like from domestic discipline, movies, and or your CP fantasies. .. All I ask is you please respect this board and keep it free of derogatory chat, personal details such as email addresses, or any other frowned-upon topics.

FIREFOX: If you're using FireFox or Chrome, you may need to allow "redirect" if your browser blocked it, or the board will not auto-refresh to show the latest messages.
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