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Create a NEW Story ...
Welcome to the BottomMarks spanking story CREATOR!!

If you enjoy writing stories, please use the templates below to create one of your very own, and upload it to the site for all to read ...
You may also add several images to accompany your work. Once complete you may edit or update your story or pics at any time!!

We accept SHORT STORIES of between 3000 and 15000 characters, or roughly 350 to 1800 words. (Tales shorter than this are not entertained).
Only normal alphabet letters and punctuation marks are permitted. Real names and contact data may NOT be added, or your story will be deleted. Any story blatantly written in UPPERCASE lettering will also be removed. All stories are interactive, so may be edited or extended at any time!

Text boxes: Below are three text boxes. Each box will accommodate up to 5000-characters (approximately 600-words) giving you a healthy quota of 1800-words to complete any short story. When writing, you MUST use the quota in box A before proceeding to box B, and likewise for C.

Photos: You may add up to two images to support your story. Following the same principals as the text, you must complete both the first plus the second text-box before your 2nd-photo will upload. Only jpg or jpeg are allowed. Your second photograph must be portrait in shape.

New Paragraphs: Note that when typing your story you should ONLY ever use the return-key (or enter-key) if you actually wish or intend to create a brand NEW paragraph. Doing so purely to enable you to better see what you've typed will result in unwanted multi-line formatting.

The above conditions are imposed to help maintain the page-layout and assist us in offering you a pleasing overall display for your finished story.

Your Name:
 - Any penname or pseudonym will be fine
Your Email:
 - We'll keep you advised of any 3rd-party updates or changes to your story
Your Country:
Your Story's Title:
  ... Your Bold Heading MUST be between 5 and 35-chars long

Enter the first 5000 characters of your story's text here:


Please use this area for the first-part of your story .. (you may add more text below if you run-out of space)

  chars remaining    (Must enter min 3000 and up to a max 5000 of chars)

NOTE: Counter above must show LESS than 1000 chars remaining in order to proceed to the second textbox

Upload Photo 1:
     NOTE: Only JPG or JPEG images are allowed!!

Need More Writing Space?? .. Please Continue Here!!

Enter the next 5000 characters of your story's text here:


Please use this area for the second-part of your story .. (you may add more text below if you require)

  chars remaining    (Must enter min 1000 and up to a max 5000 of chars)

NOTE: Counter above must show LESS than 100 chars remaining in order for you to proceed to the final textbox

Upload Photo 2:
     NOTE: This photo MUST be in portrait style!!

Need Even More Writing Space?? .. Finish It Off Here!!

Enter the last 5000 characters of your story's text here:


Please use this area for the final-part of your story:

  chars remaining    (Must enter min 1000 and up to a max 5000 of chars)

FINISHED?? ... Click here to submit it
 Club Members may Login here